
Substation 750 kV "Zaporiz'ka"

The project provides for the implementation of the following works:

Phase A:

replacement of the crushed stone ballast of the oil receiver;
restoration of the oil receiver bowl;
replacement of the fire extinguishing system, racks;
dismantling of the reactor, moving to the storage site;
arrangement of a temporary storage area for dismantled reactors;
installation of the reactor, busbars;
performance of commissioning works.

Phase B:

replacement of the crushed stone ballast of the oil receiver;
restoration of the oil receiver bowl;
dismantling of the reactor, moving to a temporary storage site;
dismantling of the rail tracks;
replacement of NSP-type plates
dismantling with subsequent installation of a 110 kV busbar support - 3 pcs;
replacement of a cable up to 35 kV in the channel - 283 m;
replacement of the fire extinguishing system, racks;
dismantling with subsequent installation of a support under the dry pipe;
replacement of a transition through the dry pipe;
installation of the reactor, busbars;
commissioning work.

Phase C:

replacement of crushed stone ballast of the oil receiver;
restoration of the dry pipe surface;
oil filling with degassing;
cooler replacement;
installation of a 750 kV surge arrester;
laying a cable for the fire extinguishing system;
commissioning work;
installation of a fire shield;

Customer NPC "Ukrenergo"