
Transformer Substation № 888

The working project provides for:
  • execution of eight new cable line 10 kV using a single-core cable with a sealed aluminum current-conducting core with a cross-section of 120 and 240 mm2 and insulation from cross-linked polyethylene of the APvEgaPu-20 kV brand with a total length of 5400 m;
  • instead of TS-888, install Compact Transformer Substation -10/0.4 kV #1  with two transformers with a capacity of 2x630 kVA and equipment of seven linear cells of 10 kV;
  • for the possibility of starting a new cable line 10kV, install two Compact Transformer Substation - 10/0.4kV;
  • instead of TS-5950, install Compact Transformer Substation 10/0.4kV №2 with a 630 kVA transformer and the possibility of equipping one additional 10 kV linear cell;     
  • perform reconstruction of switchgear 0.4 kV TP-1687;
  • install 14 cable assemblies of the ZKU type on supports with general technical accounting equipment, and perform the required number of cable line 0.4 kV cable terminations in the ground on the corresponding supports;  
  • supply the supports from switchgear 0.4 kV substations TS-888, TS-1687, TS-5950 and TS-898 with 0.4 kV cable outlets with a total length of 4,000 m;
  • to replace supports and all 0.4kV main lines with overhead lines 0.4kV using a 4x95 sq. m. mm with a total length of 8500 m;
  • switch existing consumers to new overhead lines 0.4kV
2020-10-01 18:08 Projects